
- Early Education -

A Partnership in Discovery

Christ-Centered Early Education

Stoneybrooke's Christian School’s primary focus is to ensure that every child reaches their full potential in a Christ-centered, loving environment. Highly qualified teachers and teacher's assistants build a supportive atmosphere with a program that considers the whole child, offering a balanced approach that blends a curriculum focused on academic readiness and physical development.

The Early Education program is comprised of both preschool and Junior Kindergarten classes for children ages 2.9 to 5 years old. 


Preschool classes are offered either 2-day (TT) or 3-day (MWF) and taught by highly qualified teachers with a student ratio of 15:2 (including teacher's aide).

Teachers utilize an engaging curriculum including Handwriting Without Tears and Zoophonics allowing students to grow academically and socially.

Music class: Children participate in a weekly music class taught by our elementary music teacher. Music is explored through dance, singing exploring different instruments. Children also learn the basics of notes and reading music.

Chapel: God truth is woven into every part of our day. However, chapel time is held in a large group setting. The stories of the Bible are presented in chronological order. Lessons are interactive and include singing, puppets and object lessons to make sure that children feel connected to God's unconditional love for them.

Junior Kindergarten

Stoneybrooke’s Junior Kindergarten is a half day program for children turning 5 years old between June 1st and December 31st. It is a program that seeks to provide a challenging yet developmentally appropriate education within a nurturing, safe environment. Utilizing a Christ centered curriculum, students will be encouraged to learn and grow academically, socially, emotionally and physically. Class time will be focused on language development, beginning phonics skills and number sense, gross motor and fine motor development, and developing a growing understanding of God’s world.

The Junior Kindergarten class is available for those young 5 year olds who are not yet developmentally ready for a full day academic program. This extra year provides them the “tools” necessary for Kindergarten success.

- Hours of Operation: Preschool -  9am to 12pm Daily, Junior Kindergarten - 8:45am to 1pm Daily
- Morning Care: 8am to 9am Daily (Limited to the first 12 people - $8)

- Lunch Bunch: Additional 1 hr for lunch ($8), 12pm to 1pm daily

- Extended Care: 1pm-3pm Mon-Thurs ($16), 1pm-2pm Fridays ($8)

- Elementary -

Kindergarten through Sixth Grade

Stoneybrooke Christian School offers quality elementary instruction from Kindergarten through sixth grade. The staff is committed to providing an educational program that seeks to develop excellence in a student spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. The core curriculum has been selected to achieve these goals within a Christ-centered, Bible-based program. In addition to the traditional core curriculum, the students are exposed to a wide range of educational experiences through the enrichment courses offered at Stoneybrooke. These enrichment courses include art, music, technology, science lab, library skills, Spanish, and physical education.

Instruction is aligned with the California Content Standards, where appropriate, and in many cases exceeds the standards. Additionally, the core subjects are on a five-year review cycle that allows for reevaluation of the curriculum based on the school’s core values and Expected School-wide Learning Results.

Elementary Facilities

Everything necessary to run the school’s programs is in close proximity to the students. The field, playground and lunch area are all located within a short walking distance from any classroom. The auditorium/sanctuary is large enough to hold all classes for chapels and special assemblies. The gym serves all PE classes and is utilized by after-school sports teams. Our well equipped science lab is scheduled regularly for hands-on instruction. The library contains over 13,000 volumes and serves students well.

Technology is strategically located throughout the campus: 6 Chromebooks in every class from first through sixth grade, with 6 iPads in each of the Kindergarten classes. Students in first through sixth grade have access to a computer lab with instruction from a dedicated technology teacher each week as well as access to a Chromebook cart in fourth through sixth grade. Also, interactive whiteboards are installed in Kindergarten through sixth grade classrooms to enhance the instructional mission of the school. In addition, every teacher has an iPad with an Apple TV and projector allowing for great visual presentations to captivate students. Classrooms are large and spacious affording the students plenty of room for instructional activities. This campus is well suited to provide the physical space for an excellent Christian education.

Grade Level Overviews

Learn about each grade level by clicking on the links below. The files are in PDF format.

- Junior High -

Preparing Students for High School and Beyond!

Stoneybrooke Junior High is a two-year program that focuses on preparing students for high school. Students received a well-rounded education focusing on English, math, bible, language arts and a variety of other subjects.

Instruction is aligned with the California Content Standards, where appropriate, and in many cases exceeds the standards. Additionally, the core subjects are on a five-year review cycle that allows for reevaluation of the curriculum based on the school’s core values and Expected School-wide Learning Results.

Venture into New Opportunities for Learning

Junior high students have access to many resources throughout the school day. The large field and blacktop area are accessible for PE classes and after-school sports programs. While students bring their own iPads, they also utilize a technology lab with a 1:1 computer ratio, 3d printers, Lego Mindstorm robot kits and green screens for multimedia productions.

The auditorium/sanctuary is used daily for music classes as well as chapel programs. The gym serves all PE classes and is utilized by after-school sports teams. Science classes are taught in a newly-renovated lab that emphasizes hands-on instruction. The library contains over 13,000 volumes and serves students well. Interactive white boards and Apple TV’s are installed in all junior high classrooms to enhance the instructional mission of the school. 

Classrooms are large and spacious affording the students plenty of room for instructional activities and lockers are provided for the storage of books. This campus is well suited to provide the physical space for an excellent Christian education!

Everything necessary to run the school’s programs is in close proximity to the students. The field, playground and lunch area are all located within a short walking distance from any classroom. The auditorium/sanctuary is large enough to hold all classes for chapels and special assemblies. The gym serves all PE classes and is utilized by after-school sports teams. Our well equipped science lab is scheduled regularly for hands-on instruction. The library contains over 9,000 volumes and serves students well.

Junior High Information

Learn about each grade level by clicking on the links below. The files are in PDF format.

Extracurricular Opportunities

The junior high program also offers several groups in which students can apply/tryout for. The following are groups/teams which meet regularly and require a time commitment from the students. Each group adds a unique and important element to the junior high culture. 

The "Student Action Leadership Team" is our junior high student council which helps plan all of the student activities throughout the year, including Spirit Week, Junior High Fun Nights, and much more. The team meets on a weekly basis. 

Praise Band
The junior high has its own student praise band which leads worship at most of the junior high chapels as well as several of the elementary chapels throughout the year. 

Junior High Musical
Our junior high students put on Broadway Jr. each Spring. Musicals over the past several years have included Beauty and the Beast, Suessical, Mulan, Willy Wonka, Fiddler on the Roof, Annie, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz.

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)
Stoneybrooke junior high is a charter member of the National Junior Honor Society. Students are invited into the prestigious organization based upon their scholarship, leadership, character and service. Inducted students are required to maintain a 3.5 GPA, participate in at least 15 hours of service each quarter and have no discipline issues. 

After School Sports
Stoneybrooke Junior High participates in the Parochial Athletic League. Sports include flag football, basketball, volleyball and soccer. We also offer golf and roller hockey.

Fostering Spiritual Growth Opportunities

It is our passion to graduate our students with an enduring love and commitment to serving our Lord Jesus Christ. Although spiritual growth is ultimately up to the individual, it is our desire to create as many opportunities to allow students to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. The following are some of the key ways, besides daily Bible class, in which we try to accomplish this goal. 

Junior High Chapel
We have made every effort to make the junior high chapel experience meaningful for our students. Our chapels are designed to challenge our students to think seriously about their relationship with Jesus Christ. The junior high chapel program differs from the elementary chapel program by virtue of the junior high praise band, guest speakers, spiritual emphasis week, purity week and alumni speakers.

Discipleship Groups
It is our goal that no student's 'slip through the cracks' of junior high. Feeling and being connected is important in junior high. To do this we have created a nationally recognized Discipleship program in which, every Friday before school, students meet in groups of 4-5 with an adult mentor to pray with each other, read scripture, and just 'check in' on how life is going. Discipleship groups begin the 2nd week of October and continue through the end of May.
Student Missions
It is also our goal to create as many opportunities for our students to get their 'hands dirty' doing ministry. Students are encouraged to participate in any of our several student ministry opportunities. These ministries include our junior high fun nights which help raise funds for various missions groups, Operation Christmas Child, supporting our troops, and many more opportunities in which students can put their faith into action.

Our teachers meet regularly to pray and study God's Word. Please know that we are praying for your children. Every year there is also a parent group that meets once or twice a week committed to praying for our students and their families. The students also pray daily in classes for the needs of each other.
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